My Big Fat Divorce: Learning About Your Options Through The Ending Of A Hollywood Marriage
A discussion of alternative dispute resolution processes, including mediation and the collaborative process, compared to traditional litigation.
My Big Fat Divorce: Learning About Your Options Through The Ending Of A Hollywood Marriage
A discussion of alternative dispute resolution processes, including mediation and the collaborative process, compared to traditional litigation.
6 Nasty Surprises Women Face When They Get Divorced
MarketWatch posted this article in July, 2018, discussing women’s financial priorities as they move through the divorce process.
If You Want a Happier Divorce, Consider This (Thank Us Later)
Support of collaborative divorce by US lawyers and judges, and some of the reasons why.
Collaborative Law chosen for family law battles
This article about the collaborative process, published in Law Times, June 19, 2017, references interviews with several Ontario collaborative...
Moving Past Divorce: 5 Tips to Help Your Children Thrive After Divorce
This blog post by divorce coach Terry Gaspard, MSW, discusses ways to help your children as you go through...
BreakUp: We’re done. Now, what about the kids?
Victoria Smith, an accomplished Collaborative Lawyer and Trainer based in Toronto, recently hosted a CBC Radio segment about how...
6 Apps to Make Co-Parenting Easier & Less Stressful
A brief description of 6 apps available to help you organize your life while co-parenting.