How to close the deal

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November 25, 2018

I find some files tend to drag on after there is a deal in principal. Have you discovered any ways to keep the momentum going? Do you schedule signing meetings or do your client’s resist that?

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November 28, 2018

If it’s dragging I suggest to the other lawyer that we draw up an agreement leaving either blanks or options in the areas that are undecided. We schedule a meeting to review it, and hopefully both lawyers have met with their clients individually before then to discuss those issues realistically. Usually when they see a written agreement and realize it’s so close to completion, and have had some coaching and encouragement from their lawyers, they tend to come to agreement more easily on the outstanding items. It also helps to send a bill so they can see what going in circles is costing them!

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November 29, 2018

Certainly cost can be a factor in the willingness of clients to have meetings. However, there is nothing wrong with proposing a phone meeting or a meeting of the professionals to discuss how to move the process forward.

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December 3, 2018

If all the issues have been dealt with, and on rereading the original comment I suspect that is what is being referred to, then yes, I suggest a signing meeting. Preferably arranged so that if there are minor changes as we review the agreement together, they can be made right away and the agreements signed.

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December 10, 2018

I agree with Jim. It is a good idea to have a Zoom or phone meeting of the professionals to share ideas. It may be that just the neutrals meet with the parties thus saving money. Or maybe one neutral and one lawyer and then the neutral meets with the other lawyer and other clients and does some shuttle negotiations. The full team meeting is a great process but costly. We need to be creative.

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December 12, 2018

I agree, having the Agreement prepared for a signing meeting, and if required, make amendments at the meeting so parties have sense of fulfillment from the process

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