Collaborative Financial Professionals
Collaborative Financial Professionals are neutral and retained by both spouses/partners. They help both spouses/partners understand relevant financial
information. Financial Professionals prepare property statements, identify go-forward lifestyle spending needs and financial opportunities and work with the team to create and attain a successful agreement. Some Collaborative Financial Professionals bring expertise in specific financial areas, such as property or business valuations, or mortgages.

Alison Anderson

Bob Plenderleith

Carol, B. Laidlaw

Carrie Heinzl

Christina Coultice

Dan Elliott

Daren Givoque

Doug Craig

Doug Lamb

Gail Belchior

Heidi Surkis-Eisen

Ian Lobo

Jamie Jocsak

Jason Kwaitkowski

Jo-Anne Fiore

Joe Hilton

Joyce Owen

Karin Kidikian

Karl Ossenkopp

Laura Abrams

Linda Cartier

Louise Poole

Mark Noxon

Mark Weiman

Matthew Arthur

Matthew Downey

Matthew Krofchick

Melanie Russell

Mitchell Ornstein

Monique Madan

Nyla Roopnarinesingh

Patricia Greco

Ralston Evans

Rob Hehl

Rob Smith

Scott Kell

Steve Skrlac

Susan Nardi

Terri McDougall

Tim Rickert

Tim Waller

Trevor Hood

Vivian Alterman
Advanced Collaborative Professionals
The Advanced Collaborative Professional designation signifies a commitment to Collaborative Practice and an advanced level of practice and expertise. It requires additional training and a minimum number of successfully completed collaborative files, and ongoing continuing education requirements.

Collaborative Family Professionals
Collaborative Family Professionals assist clients to move through the separation process by facilitating discussions on communication, relationships, emotions, wellbeing, co-parenting and children’s best interests. They work with parents to create a Parenting Plan appropriate for their family. Family Professionals are neutral and are retained by both spouses/partners.

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